The Revelation Unlocked

God’s Seven Covenants by Fire

The purpose of this book is to introduce what we hope is a novel concept or framework, into the wider discourse on biblical covenants which we have called God’s Covenants by Fire (CBF). We agree with Gentry and Wellum (2015) that biblical covenants provide a superstructure or metanarrative which helps us to understand the central themes of Scripture. Through covenants, God makes his plan for the redemption of mankind known in a progressive and incremental way. What is exciting about the Covenants by Fire framework is that it provides us with a unique perspective on the strategy God has adopted to save mankind, highlighting how he is partnering with believers to achieve his purpose. It is a message that has particular resonance with 21st century spirit-filled Christians, because quite unlike other presentations of Covenant Theology, the presence and role of the Holy Spirit has greater prominence, while not losing the Christocentricity (GOTQ, 2022a) of the biblical message.

Prof Grafton A. WHyte

About The Author

Professor Grafton Whyte has been anointed by the Holy Spirit to share this prophetic message with the Church of Jesus Christ. Grafton Whyte is a full professor with a PhD in Management from the UK, and has published over 40 academic papers. He has been director of two business schools and Chairman of the Association of African Business Schools.

Professor Whyte has been a Christian, Bible Teacher, and Pastor for over 40 years, who did his theological training at Spurgeon’s Bible College London.



20 March 2023

Book Briefing

20 March 2023

Book Launch


Testimonies from people who have been impacted by God’s seven covenants by fire, lessons.

The message brought by Professor Grafton Whyte has simplified our understanding of the Covenant messages, and it presented a fresh look on how God intends to have a relationship with us. Prior to this message, I was aware of the emphasis God placed on us as His children. Now, that awareness has grown into a lifetime conviction. Praise be to God.
Jerry Nico Louw
I learned the definition of Christian in (Romans 1:6) which reads [You also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ]. Certainly, He is our rightful owner; He purchased us to be His. As I grow to understand what it means to be a Christian. I am aware that living a Christian life is meant to bring glory to God via Jesus Christ. We laud God not to win His favor, but because of His love and grace.
Firstname Surname
I learned the definition of Christian in (Romans 1:6) which reads [You also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ]. Certainly, He is our rightful owner; He purchased us to be His. As I grow to understand what it means to be a Christian. I am aware that living a Christian life is meant to bring glory to God through Jesus Christ.
Firstname Surname