
God's Seven Covenants By Fire


BOOK description

The purpose of this book is to introduce what we hope is a novel concept or framework, into the wider discourse on biblical covenants which we have called God’s Covenants by Fire (CBF). We agree with Gentry and Wellum (2015) that biblical covenants provide a superstructure or metanarrative which helps us to understand the central themes of Scripture. Through covenants, God makes his plan for the redemption of mankind known in a progressive and incremental way. What is exciting about the Covenants by Fire framework is that it provides us with a unique perspective on the strategy God has adopted to save mankind, highlighting how he is partnering with believers to achieve his purpose. It is a message that has particular resonance with 21st century spirit-filled Christians, because quite unlike other presentations of Covenant Theology, the presence and role of the Holy Spirit has greater prominence, while not losing the Christocentricity (GOTQ, 2022a) of the biblical message.

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Through our work, we aspire to ignite a deep passion for the word of God, encouraging others to embark on a spiritual journey that leads to personal transformation and a closer connection with GOD. We believe that by instilling the values and teachings of the Bible, we can empower individuals to navigate life’s challenges with strength, grace, and unwavering faith.

The work we engage in revolves around teaching, strengthening, and inspiring individuals through the transformative power of the word of God.
