Weekly Blog

The Covenant of God’s Purpose or will (1 Kgs 18:38)

It is noteworthy that after Solomon, more is said about the prophet Elijah than any other person or king in the book of 1 Kings. Elijah is such an influential figure that he appears on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus and Moses (Matt 17:1–3; Mark 9:2–4; Luke 9:28–30). Elijah is often referred to as the prophet of fire, that appellation is no doubt largely attributable to the incident on Mount Carmel. Here, Elijah stands alone as the prophet of the Lord against hundreds of prophets of Baal and Asherah who enjoy royal privileges (1 Kgs 18:19).

How is G7CBF different from other incidents of heavenly fire?

An important inquiry which begs to be answered. A question that has been asked by believers who seek to understand the distinction between the seven covenants by fire and other divine manifestations of fire in the holy text. The question that plagues their minds is valid, and the answer to it is imperative. Three occurrences of divine fire come to mind: the call of Gideon in Judges 6:20-22, the birth of Samson in Judges 13:15-20, and the appearance of God on Mount Sinai in Exodus 19:18-20. How do these compare to the seven covenants by fire?

God’s Seven Covenants By Fire, Why ‘By Fire’?

The ‘By Fire’ appellation in the book titled, ‘God’s Seven Covenants By Fire’ is of critical significance. Indeed the ‘By Fire’ part underlines the claim of the book that the spiritual insight is, a revelation from God and there are indeed seven covenants. Therefore, in this blog we want to take the opportunity to explain the significance of the phrase, ‘By Fire’.

The Covenant of God’s Purpose or will.

Elijah is often referred to as the prophet of fire, that appellation is no doubt largely attributable to the incident on Mount Carmel. Here, Elijah stands alone as the prophet of the Lord against hundreds of prophets of Baal and Asherah who enjoy royal privileges (1 Kgs 18:19).Elijah was receiving instruction directly from the Lord himself and he then set about implementing the Lord’s purpose.

What is the message of ‘God’s Seven Covenants By Fire?

God, who has over the centuries revealed his plan for saving
mankind through biblical covenants, has in these last days
revealed his plan for the Christian believer through a hitherto secret key in the Bible, we have identified as Covenants by Fire.The Covenant of Blessing or Promise, with Abram and God answers by fire in Genesis 15:17.

The Covenant Of God’s Justice

In Leviticus 10:1–3, the sons of Aaron (Nadab and Abihu) had recently participated in the first day of atonement for the whole community and witnessed the precision and meticulous detail in coming before the Lord to make sacrifice. Yet they showed contempt for the Lord God and presumptuously brought unauthorised fire before him. Fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them and their offerings.

God Is Intentional

Elijah is often referred to as the prophet of fire, that appellation is no doubt largely attributable to the incident on Mount Carmel. Here, Elijah stands alone as the prophet of the Lord against hundreds of prophets of Baal and Asherah who enjoy royal privileges (1 Kgs 18:19).Elijah was receiving instruction directly from the Lord himself and he then set about implementing the Lord’s purpose.

How is G7CBF different from other incidents of heavenly fire?

How is G7CBF different from other incidents of heavenly fire? An important inquiry which begs to be answered. A question that has been asked by believers who seek to understand the distinction between the seven covenants by fire and other divine manifestations of fire in the holy text. The question that plagues their minds is valid, and the answer to it is imperative

Who Was The Prophet Elijah

It is noteworthy that after Solomon, more is said about the prophet Elijah than any other person or king in the book of 1 Kings. Elijah is such an influential figure that he appears on the mount of transfiguration with Jesus and Moses (Matt 17:1–3; Mark 9:2–4; Luke 9:28–30). Elijah is often referred to as the prophet of fire, that appellation is no doubt largely attributable to the incident on Mount Carmel. Here, Elijah stands alone as the prophet of the Lord against hundreds of prophets of Baal and Asherah who enjoy royal privileges (1 Kgs 18:19).

Rejecting The Son

 whoever would reject the Lord’s provision for sin, his son Jesus Christ, either in contempt or rebellion will fall under the covenant of God’s justice, the wages of sin is still death (Rom 6:23). Again, this covenant is unilateral and immutable and results from man rejecting the sovereign grace of God.


Jerry Nico Louw

The message brought by Professor Grafton Whyte has simplified our understanding of the Covenant messages, and it presented a fresh look on how God intends to have a relationship with us. Prior to this message, I was aware of the emphasis God placed on us as His children. Now, that awareness has grown into a lifetime conviction. Praise be to God.

Kuume Uutoni

I learned the definition of Christian in (Romans 1:6) which reads [You also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ]. Certainly, He is our rightful owner; He purchased us to be His. As I grow to understand what it means to be a Christian. I am aware that living a Christian life is meant to bring glory to God via Jesus Christ. We laud God not to win His favor, but because of His love and grace.

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio

I learned the definition of Christian in (Romans 1:6) which reads [You also are among those who are called to belong to Jesus Christ]. Certainly, He is our rightful owner; He purchased us to be His. As I grow to understand what it means to be a Christian. I am aware that living a Christian life is meant to bring glory to God via Jesus Christ. We laud God not to win His favor, but because of His love and grace.

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